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Free Restaurant Spreadsheets

Created by The Restaurant Doctor UK Team
Last Updated: 25th October 2023

Say the word spreadsheet and many people break out into a cold sweat and freeze at the thought of all those baffling equations, formulas and reference unknown markers!

This leads to many restaurant owners choosing to avoid spreadsheets to organise their business and manage their finances. Granted, in today’s technologically advanced world there are an amazing number of apps and a growing collection of software available to help you manage your restaurant.

The only issue we have is that they can often be overly complicated, or you only get the free version and it frustratingly constantly reminds you to ‘go pro’ to unlock the full features (in other words, make it actually useful). Well not our free spreadsheets, they have been created to do exactly what they say they do.

Not all spreadsheets need to be related to finance and accounting.

Spreadsheets are also really handy for stocktaking and even organising time off and holidays. Hopefully you will find our free restaurant spreadsheets easy to download and ready to use.

Please note that by visiting this website and using our free restaurant downloads you agree to our terms and conditions, which can be viewed on our important info page.

Your free restaurant Excel spreadsheet downloads are below: