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The Bar Tariff

Written by The Restaurant Doctor UK Team
Last Updated: 29th October 2023

<<< 15. Bar Hygiene & Cleaning | 17. ABV's & Units >>>

There are a few things that you need to know about your bar tariff. They are generally covered by legislation and you can get into trouble if you do not comply with them.

1. Your bar tariff should be displayed where your customers can see and read it.

2. You should list the items you sell in their particular type i.e. whiskies, rum, gins, vodkas, brandies, mixers, wines, soft drinks etc.

3. The price, including VAT, should be clearly marked next to the item.

4. The relevant ABV should be included next to the item.

5. The measure you are serving of the item should be listed.

Layout of your bar tariff.

Below is an example of how the information for your whiskies should be displayed on you bar tariff:

Item ABV Measured in multiples of

Price £

Item 1 37.5% 25ml* 2.50
Item 2 37.5% 25ml* 2.50
Item 3 37.5% 25ml* 2.50
Item 4 37.5% 25ml* 2.50

*Or 35ml depending upon which you use.

This same information should be included for each item you sell.

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